Friday, November 21, 2008

Perfoming Art with Technology

For my performance art piece, I chose to explore the relationship between technology and us as students and memeber of society. We all always have our phones attatched to our hips so I asked the question: Does technology control us? Does technology control me? Does technology hinder our creativity? After asking these questions, I promptly broke my cell phone, dipped it in finger paints and smeared it on poster board. I then took my own hands and dipped them in the paint, then created my hand prints on the paper to demonstrate even with our high involovement with technology, we can still hold on to our individuality.


Ciara Ross said...

I really liked the message you said before you broke your phone. I think it's definitely true that we rely on technology too much.

brendan wallace said...

taylor- though i missed your performance, it looks cool and makes me think about how often i look at my phone throughout the day.

Anonymous said...

I thought your preformance was clear and to the point. Well done.

ckumka said...

Your 'broken phone' piece really was a great representation of individualism. You did an awesome job and really kept it creative!

Flimsy Sensation said...

Hey tylor. ..

I was interesting to see your performance .. But I couldnt ..

But the idea looks nice .. :)

Shawn Rubin said...

Brisk and efficient, good job

Victor Valery said...

I really like your message, that even though technology is everywhere, we still have to keep our personalities!

John Dolan said...

I really agree with the message, which seems to have been that cell-phones are a necessity in today's world; an unfortunate one at that.

Matt N. said...

Very nice performance, my favorite part was when you broke the cell phone

berni M said...

i really liked how you broke a phone, used it to paint with, then took your own hands and use that to paint with- then compared the two identities.. awesome.