Monday, December 8, 2008
Last week of class!!
Sitting through the last week of classes is always a difficult task, however, in ART211, I had no trouble paying attention. We explored more regarding video art and I have to say that this is one of the most intersting things we have done all semester. I truly enjoyed watching all examples of the video art and it was interesting to see how everything ties in together. I am even more excited to see everyones video art pieces!! Thank you everyone for such an awesome learning environment!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Perfoming Art with Technology
For my performance art piece, I chose to explore the relationship between technology and us as students and memeber of society. We all always have our phones attatched to our hips so I asked the question: Does technology control us? Does technology control me? Does technology hinder our creativity? After asking these questions, I promptly broke my cell phone, dipped it in finger paints and smeared it on poster board. I then took my own hands and dipped them in the paint, then created my hand prints on the paper to demonstrate even with our high involovement with technology, we can still hold on to our individuality.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Grid Assignment overview and comments
I enjoyed seeing everyone's grid art projects. There were many interesting ideas and concepts that I had not even thought of. For my grid art project, I used two mirrors, which I glued together and then used a screen (grid) to create a triangle. No matter how you look into the mirrors, whatever is reflected will be a grid. "The World as a Grid"
Below, are my thoughts on everyones projects:
Victor- He hit the nail on the head by using a fryer top to simulate a pac man head. The colors stuck out and added interest to the piece.
Colleen- Her interpretation of the eye on a grid was awesome and the scale of the piece added excitement.
Brendan Wallace- His chinese wave was also a good representation of the grid in art, it looked like he put a lot of time into it.
McKayla- Her mosaic lamp was beautiful, and also a good idea for incorporating a grid into an everyday piece. I just wish I could have seen it lit up.
Ryan- I could see where he was going as far as the grid was concerned, however, he missed the mark a bit; he should have exploited the grid a little bit more.
Josh- His coffee ground girraff was AWESOME, i wish I could have seen it in "real life" instead of the computer.
Perri- The lollipop was a gorgeous piece of artwork and it was a creative idea. The grid is something we see everyday, however she really used her creativity to make it into another type of piece.
Stacey- Her butterfly was very cool, although she did not use a pre-existing grid, she put a lot of work and creativity into creating her own, unique butterfly.
Berni- This was actaully the first thing that came to my mind when Echeverry was explaining the project. I used to do this project all the time when I was younger. Very good use of colors.
Matthew- The guitar on the man-made grid was creative, however, I wish the grid itself was a bit more "in your face" and more obvious. Pretty interesting none the less.
Adam Bass- Very Very cool. The lights are something that I wish I could have done; however, I would not have known how. Inspiring.
Murad- His foam matt was a good, solid, basic example of grid art.
Ashley- Her shoe design missed the mark a bit as far as the grid is concerned. I can see the grid on the canvas, but the shoe confused me.
Shawn- His chess set was a creative idea. The use of his name incorporated the grid in movement which I enjoyed.
Below, are my thoughts on everyones projects:
Victor- He hit the nail on the head by using a fryer top to simulate a pac man head. The colors stuck out and added interest to the piece.
Colleen- Her interpretation of the eye on a grid was awesome and the scale of the piece added excitement.
Brendan Wallace- His chinese wave was also a good representation of the grid in art, it looked like he put a lot of time into it.
McKayla- Her mosaic lamp was beautiful, and also a good idea for incorporating a grid into an everyday piece. I just wish I could have seen it lit up.
Ryan- I could see where he was going as far as the grid was concerned, however, he missed the mark a bit; he should have exploited the grid a little bit more.
Josh- His coffee ground girraff was AWESOME, i wish I could have seen it in "real life" instead of the computer.
Perri- The lollipop was a gorgeous piece of artwork and it was a creative idea. The grid is something we see everyday, however she really used her creativity to make it into another type of piece.
Stacey- Her butterfly was very cool, although she did not use a pre-existing grid, she put a lot of work and creativity into creating her own, unique butterfly.
Berni- This was actaully the first thing that came to my mind when Echeverry was explaining the project. I used to do this project all the time when I was younger. Very good use of colors.
Matthew- The guitar on the man-made grid was creative, however, I wish the grid itself was a bit more "in your face" and more obvious. Pretty interesting none the less.
Adam Bass- Very Very cool. The lights are something that I wish I could have done; however, I would not have known how. Inspiring.
Murad- His foam matt was a good, solid, basic example of grid art.
Ashley- Her shoe design missed the mark a bit as far as the grid is concerned. I can see the grid on the canvas, but the shoe confused me.
Shawn- His chess set was a creative idea. The use of his name incorporated the grid in movement which I enjoyed.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
After exploring this website, my eyes were opened to many interesting things. From changing the way we think about our restaurant experience to creating a light show with our cell phones; this site opened my eyes to technological advances that not only did I know nothing about, but would have thought were impossible to make a reality. One of my favorite things introduced is Natzke's work. I thought this was so appropriate for our times and I cant believe I have not thought of this before(of course I would have no idea how to go about it). This was phenominal to me and promopted me to research the work in greater detail. He is credited for blurring and combining the line between design and technology and truely integrating the two elements. His videos of his prints is even more exilarating and absolutely mesmorizing. The way in which he integrates the music into the works of art is also pure genius. I found this to be AWESOME! I will surely remember these awesome designs and continue to view his work .
The game "Brainball," I also found interesting because it is a game based purely off of technology and the human brain. The integration of the two is intersting to me, and also scares me a little as well. When will technology go too far and be too intrusive to the human body?
The piece featuring Grant Achatz was also very interesting to me. I love going out to eat and since I work in a restaurant and have worked in the food service industry since I was legally allowed to work, reading about his new and provacative ideas is also eye-opening. I looked up more information on Grant and read about how he blew bubbles out of mozzerella cheese and put tomato foam inside them. He uses the latest forms of technology along with his creativity to serve up what I have read to be amazing dishes and a party for the tastebuds.
Although it may seem a bit dramatic, after exploring this website I feel that my eyes have been opened to endless possibilities. I feel a desire to think out side of the box and create and explore everything I can. There is so much happening in our world today, from food to motorized scooters, there are improvements and discoveries being made every day; I want to be a part of it.
The game "Brainball," I also found interesting because it is a game based purely off of technology and the human brain. The integration of the two is intersting to me, and also scares me a little as well. When will technology go too far and be too intrusive to the human body?
The piece featuring Grant Achatz was also very interesting to me. I love going out to eat and since I work in a restaurant and have worked in the food service industry since I was legally allowed to work, reading about his new and provacative ideas is also eye-opening. I looked up more information on Grant and read about how he blew bubbles out of mozzerella cheese and put tomato foam inside them. He uses the latest forms of technology along with his creativity to serve up what I have read to be amazing dishes and a party for the tastebuds.
Although it may seem a bit dramatic, after exploring this website I feel that my eyes have been opened to endless possibilities. I feel a desire to think out side of the box and create and explore everything I can. There is so much happening in our world today, from food to motorized scooters, there are improvements and discoveries being made every day; I want to be a part of it.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Damien Hirst
After looking at multiple works of art, by Damien Hirst; i feel inspired. Never before have I seen art portrayed in this way and it is astounding. The animals and the human body is showed in such a different way than I have ever seen. As an artist, he thought so far out of the box, and consequently, so did its viewers. Seeing animals such as horses, sharks and cows cut up with their insides exposed for the public to see is fantastic.
Monday, September 15, 2008
why is sound so important?
External sound is extremely important, because, when paired with a visual, it creates an amazing viewing experience. I feel this is why, when pictures in motion was first created, the creators would add external sound to the images.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Feelings of class...Who am I?
My name is Taylor Asermely and I am a senior here at The University of Tampa. I am expecting to graduate in May of 2009 with a masters degree in marketing as well as a minor in adverstising. I am excited to have the opportunity to broaden my knowldege through this class. I have a stong love for art as a whole because it enables me to think in ways I may other wise not. Art, to me is special becasue it is available and utilized in such diverse mediums. It allows access to the artists thoughts and offers new ideas to ponder. After reviewing the syllibus, I am excited to begin this semester of new thoughts and ideas. After attending my first class of Art & Technology, I was disappointed that I was unable to meet my professor. However, life is full of unanticiapted events ; my deepest sympathis to you in this time of sorrow.
"Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness."-Deepak Chopra
"Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness."-Deepak Chopra
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